
  • Ten Ways Wisdom Makes a Good Leader

    The core concept that many find challenging to accept is that leaders should be wise. But when it comes to the details, such as what a wise leader looks like, whether they can be ambitious, or if wisdom only comes with age, we start to see hesitation. It’s no wonder, then, that not much has…

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  • The Quest for Wisdom

    Are you the type of person that rushes in to show what you know, or do you stand back and take things in? If you answered yes to the first response, you may want to stop and read this post on why the pursuit for wisdom is important and that it is a constant pursuit.

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  • Leading Better by Listening Better

    Keeping Silent I have spoken before about the importance of staying silent and listening to those around you to empower them to their greatest potential. We are often told that to be a better conversationalist, we need to really listen to understand, not be waiting for a gap to insert our conversations. Being a good…

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  • Are we there yet?

    “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up somewhere else” — Yogi Berra I came across this quote today which is often attributed to the famous baseball manager, Yogi Berra. It made me step back and ask myself if I really set goals before starting a new initiative or if I sometimes…

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  • 📢 Standalone Leadership Tip

    Being a successful leader involves more than just holding a high position. It requires creating a positive impact on individuals and the overall team. Here’s one crucial tip to help you enhance your leadership skills: Embrace Empathy 🤝 Leaders who display empathy build stronger connections with their team members. Put yourself in their shoes, actively…

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