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Technology has had a major impact on business, with many companies relying on computers and other devices to improve efficiency and productivity. It has also facilitated communication and collaboration, making it easier for businesses to connect with customers and partners around the world.

  • The Purdue Model for ICS helps create segregation for OT devices from your IT environment

    The Purdue Model: Securing your IT from OT

    Implementing OT Security following the Purdue Model involves establishing a multi-layered defense strategy to protect the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of manufacturing systems and data. We’re excited to share insights from a recent initiative where we assisted a Medical Device Manufacturer in bolstering their Operational Technology (OT) security framework and mitigating associated risks using the…

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  • The importance of a Vendor Risk Assessment?

    In today’s interconnected business environment, vendor risk assessments play a pivotal role in maintaining operational integrity. They act as a shield, protecting your organization from data breaches, service disruptions, financial losses, and legal penalties. With the landscape of digital threats constantly evolving, ensuring your vendors uphold stringent cybersecurity standards is more crucial than ever.

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  • Digital Defenders: Mastering Essential Cybersecurity Tactics for Small Business Success

    In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding your business’s online integrity is imperative. Ten critical cybersecurity practices, including password management, data backups, and employee training, can fortify your digital defenses and adapt to new challenges. With the right support, such as expert guidance from Hifen, you can ensure that cybersecurity becomes a cornerstone of your business’s success.

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  • Should you reconsider your Microsoft Teams security and external communication policies?

    For many organizations, the default setting in teams to allow external communication from users on the same platform is useful to how they do business. Even for my business, this setting is great as it allows me to collaborate with my clients without needing to be set up as a guest or have an account…

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  • How to Protect your Business Email – Part 2

    Email is one of the most used communication methods in the world. It is amazing to me that in the 25 years of my use of email, it is still one of the most vulnerable methods that bad actors have to compromise your business. In part 1, I spoke of five ways that hackers use…

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  • How to Protect your Business Email – Part 1

    Email is one of the most used communication methods in the world. It is amazing to me that in the 25 years of my use of email, it is still one of the most vulnerable methods that bad actors have to compromise you or your business. Hackers can easily access email accounts and use them…

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  • Ten Ways Wisdom Makes a Good Leader

    The core concept that many find challenging to accept is that leaders should be wise. But when it comes to the details, such as what a wise leader looks like, whether they can be ambitious, or if wisdom only comes with age, we start to see hesitation. It’s no wonder, then, that not much has…

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  • LinkedIn Suffers a Wave of Account Hacks

    I have been seeing news over the past couple days about the brute force attacks on LinkedIn accounts. It should go without saying that you should have good password practices when it comes to your accounts and you should always try to set up a MFA when available. I have found a password manager to…

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  • The Quest for Wisdom

    Are you the type of person that rushes in to show what you know, or do you stand back and take things in? If you answered yes to the first response, you may want to stop and read this post on why the pursuit for wisdom is important and that it is a constant pursuit.

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  • Leading Better by Listening Better

    Keeping Silent I have spoken before about the importance of staying silent and listening to those around you to empower them to their greatest potential. We are often told that to be a better conversationalist, we need to really listen to understand, not be waiting for a gap to insert our conversations. Being a good…

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