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How to empower your business with Cloud

Even still today, we have challenges managing cloud spend. The following article (https://www.hightechproxy.com/post/navigating-cloud-cost-optimization-with-showback-and-chargeback-in-azure) discusses ways to help with that leveraging showback (giving the business access to see what resources they are asking for costs) and chargeback (actually billing the business for what they use) to empower the business to make better decisions on how your cloud sprawl consumes your IT budget. Even with cloud adoption being the norm, it seems that we all still have problems with runaway costs when there is no accountability for the consumption.

One of the ways to help with this is to leverage a CCoE (Cloud Center of Excellence) model in which you have individuals form this team to help manage and delegate your cloud environments. When successful, a CCoE model creates a significant shift in IT. In a CCoE approach, IT serves as a broker, partner, or representative to the business. This model is a paradigm shift away from the traditional view of IT as an operations unit or abstraction layer between the business and IT assets.

Before you move forward with this model, think about how ready the company is for a growth mindset and how comfortable IT is with delegating central duties. A CCoE trades control for agility and speed. This sort of transformation requires patience, testing, and discussion. There may be hiccups and failures during the journey, but if the team remains dedicated and is not stopped from experimenting, there is a very good chance of achieving agility, speed, and dependability. Receiving support from upper management and essential stakeholders is necessary for success.

If you find yourself losing control of your cloud spend, reach out and set up a call with me for help and to discuss how to evaluate your situation and whether the CCoE model would be beneficial for your organization. I would be glad to help.